CSIC: The Spanish National Research Council, Spain's largest public research institution, comprises over 120 institutes. The project involves the globally renowned CO2 Capture Group at INCAR-CSIC, specializing in Calcium Looping systems. Additionally, the Research Group on Environmental Economics at IPP-CSIC and ICMAN-CSIC focuses on environmental accounting for societal perception studies.
Within CaLby2030, CSIC is:
- Coordinating the project
- leading the WP8 “Management (scientific, technical, economic, legal) and coordination”
- responsible of the Task 3.2. "Experimental campaigns for biomass-fired and WtE power plants" and Task 6.2. "Surveys of social acceptability and economic preferences of a CFB-CaL demo in Asturias (Spain)";
The most relevant CCUS projects where CSIC is and has been involved in, are:
- C4U is a project funded by the EU H-2020 RFCS (GA 884418). This project spans demonstration of two packed bed capture technologies for optimal integration into an iron and steel plant. CSIC develops the Ca-Cu Looping technology, involving sorption enhanced water gas shift of the CO contained in Blast Furnace Gases to produce H2 while capturing the CO2 as CaCO3, with regeneration of the CaO sorbent using CuO/Cu chemical loop. – https://c4u-project.eu/
- CaOling was a project funded by FP7-ENERGY(GA241302), completed on the 31-05-2013. It aimed thedemonstration of CaL technology for postcombustion CO2 capture in a coal power plant. Under this project, the1.7 MWth pilot plant of LaPereda was designed and integrated with the 50 Mwe power plant of HUNOSA. This pilot accumulated 1800 h (+3000 in later projects) and achieved CO2 capture efficiencies above 90% in a wide range of experimental conditions. https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/241302
- BackCap is a project funded by RFCS (GA 101034000). this project aims to develop a new process to capture CO2 from amortized coal-based power plants, retrofitted for back-up power provision in highly renewable electricity networks, while supplying CO2 for use or storage. https://delegacion.asturias.csic.es/backcap/
Contact person: Javier Camús – mail: [email protected]
Internet site: https://www.csic.es