The main goal of CaLby2030 is acting as enabling tool to achieve commercial deployment of CaL in industries where a large share of their emissions today are unavoidable without CCUS.
This overarching objective will be reached through technical and scientific specific objectives of CaLby2030:
Demonstrate, during at least 4000 hours of operation, in three different TRL6 pilots, the relevant operating conditions in CFB-CaL carbonator and calciner reactors when integrated in cement plants, when treating the variable flue gas flows emitted from modern and future steel-making processes, or when capturing the CO2 and other acid gases from WtE plants and Bio-CHP plants firing residual biomass.
Demonstrate at TRL6 advanced “CO2 polishing” strategies to operate the CFB-carbonator with CO2 capture rates exceeding 99%, by cooling the top part of the carbonator and injecting Ca(OH)2
Develop advanced reactor and process simulation tools to support the upscaling, optimal design and to evaluate the techno-economic viability of CFB-CaL technologies in several industries, scales and locations in Europe
Exploit the project’s piloting and modelling activities to complete the conceptual design of at least four potential First-of-a-Kind (FOAK) commercial demonstration projects in the key industries
Develop advanced modelling tools to facilitate the safe and economic integration of the CFB-CaL technologies in CCUS industrial clusters including CO2 transport & storage
Quantify with advanced social survey techniques, the changes in the social perception and preferences towards industrial activities when they implement “zero emission and/or negative emission” targets by CCS/CCU.