POLIMI – Politecnico di Milano – is the largest technical university in Italy with about 47,500 students engaged in engineering, architecture, and industrial design courses. Excellent teaching and applied research are of outmost importance in POLIMI’s mission, and they have allowed the university to achieve high quality results at an international level.
Within CaLby2030, POLIMI will be involved in the following main activities distributed across WP4 and WP5:
- Modelling and optimizing the base and advanced CaL technology for steel plants, as well as providing the techno-economic assessment of the benchmark capture cases based on the MEA-solvent
- Providing scientific support in the conception and optimization of innovative process schemes of CaL and the CO2 Purification Unit, in close collaboration with LEAP and CaLby partners (WP4 and WP5)
The most relevant CCUS projects where POLIMI is and has been involved in, are:
- HERCCULES - Horizon Europe project focusing on defining a first-of-a-kind, integrated and replicable approach for the implementation of the whole CCUS chain in the cement and energy from waste (EfW) sectors. The project will focus on two clusters of emitters in northern Italy (cement + EfW) and Greece https://www.herccules.eu/
- ENCASE - Horizon Europe project focusing on developing an EU network of research infrastructures for supporting CCUS, with special attention to CO2 transportation. POLIMI is responsible for developing models and equations of state for calculating the thermophysical properties of CO2-rich mixtures and supervising the related experimental activities performed by LEAP. https://www.encase-eu.com/
ECCSELLENT – Italian project on Research Infrastructures, where POLIMI will build and test a new mobile pilot unit suitable to test new solvents and improved process configurations for post-combustion CO2 capture https://www.polimi.it/en/spotlight/news-details/home/eccsellent-the-nrrp-project-for-the-reduction-of-atmospheric-co2-gets-underway
CLEANKER – Horizon2020 project working towards the advancement of the integrated Calcium-looping process for CO2 capture in cement plants. http://www.cleanker.eu/
Contact person: Manuele Gatti ( )
Internet site: www.polimi.it