VDZ Technology gGmbH – is a scientific institute that focuses on practical research, providing comprehensive services in the field of cement and concrete. VDZ’s six departments of Cement Chemistry, Concrete Technology, Environmental and Plant Engineering, Environmental Measuring Technology, Quality Assurance/Analysis and Climate-neutral Process Technology cover all areas of cement production and application.

Within CaLby2030, VDZ:

  • Provides know-how and technical expertise on the cement manufacturing process in task 1.2 (Experimental campaigns at the TRL6 MAGNUS facility)
  • Performs analysis and leads task 1.3 (Analysis of CaL purges as clinker feed)
  • Provides know-how and technical expertise on the cement manufacturing process and performs process simulations in task 4.2 (Process design opportunities for improved efficiency and cost) and in task 5.1 (Retrofit concept definition for the four (4) industrial case studies)
  • Contributes to the dissemination, communication and exploitation of the results and achievements of the CaLby2030 project among stakeholders from the cement industry in WP7 (Dissemination, communication and exploitation of results)

The most relevant CCUS projects where VDZ is and has been involved in, are:

Contact person: Dr. Volker Hoenig – mail: [email protected] 

Internet site: https://www.vdz-online.de/en