Demonstration sites
200 kWth pilot scale plant MAGNUS
The MAGNUS facility is a pilot scale plant for demonstration in industrially relevant process conditions, consisting of three fluidized bed reactors. Its special design allows for switching between different configurations of interconnection of the gas and solid flows, hence giving the possibility to investigate a number of single and dual fluidized bed processes on a single facili-ty (e.g. combustion, gasification, solid looping CO2 capture). All reactors are refractory lined.
To know more:
Institut für Feuerungs- und Kraftwerkstechnik (IFK)
Pfaffenwaldring 23
70569 Stuttgart

“La Pereda”, Hunosa´s power station, is a 50-megawatt (MW) Circulating Fluidised Bed Combustion power plant located in Asturias region (Spain). After more than three decades burning coal, it will be retrofitted during 2023 to biomass and solid recovered fuel (SRF) firing. The existing CFB-CaL experimental facility, “La Pereda pilot” treats a slip stream of the flue gas of the main plant. It entered operation in 2012 and more of 5000 hours of operation experience have been accumulated so far in the fulfilment of three European Projects, CaOling, ReCaL and CaO2. Under the CaLby2030 project, the pilot will be retrofitted to enable biomass firing in the oxyfuel CFB calciner. Other retrofit activities at the pilot plant cover for instance the injection of “polishing Ca(OH)2” solids to a cooled region at the exit of the carbonator targeting ultrahigh (≈99%) CO2 capture rates.

Swerim AB will host a new CFB-CaL pilot plant in Sweden, targeting the steel industry and particularly the hard-to-abate off-gases from the electricity-based steelmaking processes. The pilot plant will be designed and constructed during the CaLby2030 project and be ready for operation by 2025. The special design includes a flexible operation of the carbonator, relying on intermediate hot solid storage of CaCO3 to provide the calciner with a continuous feed whilst the carbonator is operated in symbiosis with the fluctuating steel mill off-gases.
Aronstorpsvägen 1
97437 Luleå