First CaLby2030's Dissemination workshop

27 March 2024 Stuttgart – Germany

Decarbonizing Industrial Processes: CaLby2030 Project Hosts Its First Dissemination Workshop

(G.A. 101075416)

Funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme and supported by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), the CaLby2030 project embodies a collective ambition to address climate change by reducing industrial carbon emissions.


On March 27th 2024, the 1st Dissemination workshop of the Horizon Europe project “CaLby2030” took place in Stuttgart (Germany), hosted by one of the partners, the University of Stuttgart -IFK (USTUTT).

With more than 30 participants in presence and 40 connected online, including consortium, relevant stakeholders from CaLby2030’s Industrial Advisory Council and general public, the event was divided into 3 main sessions: presentation of the results obtained in the first year and a half of the project, technical discussion and visit to University of Stuttgart’s MAGNUS Pilot plant, one of the three demonstration sites of the project.

The first session was introduced by Carlos Abanades from CSIC (CaLby2030 Coordinator), and included a summary of all the updated results of the project on each of the sectors and the forecoming activities towards industrial demonstration of CaL-CFB in cement, iron & Steel and Bio-CHP & WtE sectors. The results on cement were presented by Felix Mangold from University of Stuttgart (IFK), while the ones on Steel were introduced by Malin Blomqvist from Swerim. Lastly, the biomass/WtE outcomes were presented by Carlos himself.

The second session was a technical discussion focused on the commercialization and financial feasibility of CaL-CFB in cement sector in comparison with other CCUS technologies. Three of the major industry partners (Sumitomo SHI FW, VDZ Technology gGmbH and Carmeuse Technologies) gave their insights followed by some minutes of open discussion and questions from the audience.

The last session was the visit to USTUTT’s MAGNUS Pilot plant. The participants divided into small groups of 10 people, put on their helmets and enjoyed a guided visit to the plant, just a few steps from the workshop room.

The event has been a success also because several external experts from outside the consortium have attended in presence. The questions that were brought up by them were both interesting and valuable for the partners, which leaded to significant discussions among all the audience.


CaLby2030 in numbers: Starting date: October 1st 2022; Project duration: 42 months; EU contribution: € 15.026.220,75; 18 partners: Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (Coordinator), Sumitomo Shi Fw Energia Oy, Universität Stuttgart, Swerim AB, Lappeenrannan-Lahden Teknillinen Yliopisto Lut, Carmeuse Technologies, Laboratorio Energia Ambiente Piacenza, Acciona Industrial Sa, IREN Spa, VDZ Technology GGmbH, Thomas Zement GmbH, Universitatea Babes Bolyai, EU CORE Consulting Srl, Stichting Radboud Universiteit, Alleima Tube AB, Hulleras del Norte Sa, Barna Steel Sa, University College London.

  • VENUE:  University of Stuttgart - Institute of Combustion and Power Plant Technology (IFK) - Pfaffenwaldring 23 - 70569 Stuttgart – Germany


Take away messages, Public Slides, Agenda, Flyer and video available in Zenodo: