Sumitomo SHI FW is a global provider of solutions and services that decarbonize energy. Our solutions include energy from biomass and waste, long duration energy storage, waste to value, carbon capture, flue gas cleaning, waste heat boilers and services. Relying on our 1800 talented people, we operate in 20 locations in 14 countries.
Within CaLby2030, SFW is responsible of:
- Design and engineering of a new pilot plant (1x) and pilot plant retrofits (2x).
- Pilot demonstration for cement, steel, BioCHP and WtE plants.
- Leading WP5 on design of demonstration projects.
- Conceptual design of FOAK demonstration plants for the targeted industrial sectors.
The most relevant CCUS projects where SFW is and has been involved in, are:
- HERCCULES – Horizon Europe project aiming at developing an integrated and replicable approach for the implementation of the whole CCUS chain in two strategic sectors of the circular economy: cement and energy from waste –
- BioCCU - project funded by Business Finland targeting to support markets and value chains for different CO2 capture, production and utilization applications -
Contact person: Martin Haaf - mail: [email protected]
Internet site: